Your Guardian Angel
I am not sure about guardian angels. However, I know that God has motivated men to write about things not seen. It is scriptural.
I do try to pray every day. I cannot resolve all the problems my friends and family members may face but I can ask God to help them since He has the power to intervene. I always give thanks for the blessings I have received, my food and shelter, and the lessons I have learned in trying times.
Perhaps God does assign an angel to respond to my prayers. And even though you may doubt anything you cannot see; I would like you to imagine a situation that goes beyond your present awareness.
The Voice of Reason
We all face decisions to make every day. Most are small decisions. But some are of much greater importance to our relationships or, perhaps, our financial future.
Since my goal is to help you build a better mindset for money, I hope to help you make better daily decisions about your life as it relates to money and how it can affect your future.
There are many voices from many sources that try to affect how you make your daily decisions, especially about money. To help you navigate the competing voices around you, I wish to add the Voice of Reason.
The Voice of Reason is the voice you should pay attention to while doing the research, the reading, to give yourself every chance to make an educated decision, when you must make one. Facts and figures can reveal a truth that guessing will not. That is the Voice of Reason helping you find what is right to do.
The Future You Is Concerned
The Voice of Reason is trying to help you make good decisions, now. However, the future you is concerned that you may choose not to listen.
Since I am trying to use the Voice of Reason to help you build a better mindset for money, there are several areas in which I am trying to address to offer some tools and tips for making better decisions. Among those tools and tips are:
- Build a Budget.
- Save at least 10% of all income.
- Read and seek to learn all you can to prepare for opportunities when they appear.
- Stay healthy to save on medical expenses.
- Work on self-improvement and self-education.
- Learn to invest so your savings can multiply with compounded earnings.
- Live within your means.
- Seek to help others or you will be seeking help yourself.
- Work harder on yourself than you do your job.
- Set goals that will help you grow into the person you need to be to achieve them.
Perhaps you are reading this out of curiosity or for entertainment. Whatever the reason, I am glad you came by. Maybe you are making good progress without any help from me. However, if you are having some difficulties in your income options, spending too much, lacking education, and unsure about how to save and invest, I would like you to consider what the future you might say to you, today.
What Were You Thinking?
The future you might ask why you made certain decisions. Indeed, “What were you thinking?” Though none of us are immune to asking ourselves that question after making a mistake, the bigger question is can we learn from that mistake?
You will hear from your future you how your decisions have accumulated. Decisions made with erroneous facts and lack of research will not accumulate to anything of value. I know that sounds like a lot of gibberish. So, let’s add some facts and figures to clarify the message.
First, you never bothered trying to control your spending by using a budget. What were you thinking? How else could you face the facts about why you had more bills than money each month? The credit card companies were very happy with you. Over the years, you have paid them thousands of dollars for interest on money you borrowed to avoid reason.
Second, you never had enough money to save because you never got a budget to help you find that money. You paid interest instead of earning interest.
Third, you never read to learn new skills and add to your body of knowledge. Therefore, when opportunities came along you were not prepared to take advantage of them. You limited your income potential and your self-fulfillment.
Fourth, you failed to learn to eat healthy or exercise regularly. All that ignoring of good reason has the doctors driving new cars! And the medical bill collectors keep sending notices.
Fifth, you insisted that you knew enough to get by. And getting by is all that you have done. You could have worked on how you talked, added to your vocabulary for better comprehension of what others said, and attended classes with specific knowledge to improve your income potential. You added limits to your income and your family suffered for it.
Sixth, with what little you did save, you never bothered to learn about investing it. You could have read books and taken classes and talked to professional investors but did not try. Your money just sits in a low-interest account.
Seventh, you failed to budget, so you never stayed within your means. That is, you spent more than you made, which took what little you managed to save. Again, the credit card companies were glad you chose that philosophy!
Eighth, living for yourself produced a lot of excuses when things did not go well. There are good causes that can motivate us to find ways to help. It is easy to avoid work when we are ill. But worthy goals that will benefit your family, your church, or others in need are the motivation to work through difficulties. You had no goals and avoided difficult demands on your time. Now you need help!
Nineth, you never worked on yourself. You barely worked on your job. You had an income but rarely lived within that limitation. “If you had worked harder on yourself that you did your job, you would have learned how to make a fortune!” per Jim Rohn.
Tenth, you never set goals. With no direction, you were lost with how to make many of your decisions. You never knew where you were going. Without direction, you had no reason to read or make changes to your habits or improve your skills. You never set a sail to take you away from the shore to where all the opportunities await.
In summary, “What were you thinking?” Apparently not very much! If you had just stopped to listen to the Voice of Reason, to read the signs leading to a better future!
Pray for that Still Small Voice
Our body and spirit make up our soul. Our spirit is what keeps our body going. The direction our body takes us depends on the inspiration, the “still small voice” our spirit recognizes.
The Voice of Reason will leave you with this, you can control the body—how it acts and reacts to situations. However, pray that God will direct others and you to accomplish worthwhile things. And always be thankful, even for the hard lessons learned.